Here below you find some tips & behaviour patterns to become the best leader.

Empathetic: They use "active listening techniques" and do their best to understand other perspectives. Leaders are not strong if they do not want to help and unburden others to get the best out of their people. Passion: They are passionate about their work and what people do. They are withdrawn or very present. If leaders are not enthusiastic about the possibilities and can convey their vision, how can people become enthusiastic? Vitality: is important, food, exercise, social contacts, ...You can work hard and a lot but the time you take to relax and distract yourself is so important. Reload and recharge your batteries in time. Group sporting during the day or walking is interesting. Integrating work-life and be happy.
Supportive but driven: Leaders not only support the people but help them grow to become the better version of themselves, both the skills and their personal character / behavior. Consider a personal development plan (measuring and monitoring the progress of people).
Practical / action oriented / clear decisions / smart goals: don't underestimate the capacity to get things done. Have you ever seen passionate leaders ignoring you because they are not organized? Leadership is about people and management is about things. If you don't get things in the hands of your people, does it matter what the vision is? (delegate..) Trustworthy: good leaders ask for feedback and provide feedback. They also admit when they are wrong. WALK THEIR TALK. They are open and genuine. Curious (leaving the comfort zone): The world is constantly evolving and a good leader is evolving. To be able to lead you must constantly be able to learn, develop and grow. Solution oriented: a great leader turns problems into opportunities, weaknesses into strengths, and always finds a way even though it seems impossible. How you look at the world is how you lead. If you search for opportunities you will find them.
Collaborate / win-win: Good leaders spend time with people and do everything to make decisions that have a positive impact. Very often decisions are made on theoretical assumptions and therefore not practical enough. Generous: leadership is a group effort. They go for a co-creation where people feel that they not only do the work but contribute to a great goal or direction. Great leaders find, reward and support people who show leadership qualities. Modest: They know when they are in front, when they make others shine, when they stand side by side and when they stand behind someone. Connect & communicate: They have a healthy dose of IQ, EQ and LQ. They connect by making people feel safe, seen and supported. Follow-up and Coaching habits: 1. Explain expectations 2. Ask questions, let them find a solution themselves, let them think for themselves 3. Involve 4. Measuring (KPIs) 5. Appreciating people & giving feedback