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8 most made mistakes in leadership

Writer: Veroniek JacobsVeroniek Jacobs

1. "I know and decide everything" I'm the boss and so I know everything. This way you position yourself above the staff. They know nothing, I know everything, from the height. Because of this attitude, everyone takes a wait-and-see position "if he knows everything, he must solve the problems himself". Life at the top can be lonely. Good creative and fun ideas that renew the company are not heard, and put the company backwards.

2. "I don't listen" I'm the boss, so I don't have to listen to my staff. They must listen to me and do what I say. It is my vision, my idea, my goal and your story does not fit in here. I have mapped out this direction and I think tightly, that's how we're going to do it. As a result, you just miss flexibility, innovative proposals and structural adjustments that are often made by the team. Dare to question yourself and dare to change, you will not lose credibility.

3. "I don't give feedback" Giving feedback is a waste of time. Why, even more compliments, they already get a wage and a car and a group insurance policy. They have to work, doesn't it make sense? This makes employees despondent, everyone wants a pat on the back, know what is good, how they can improve. Constant feedback is advisable and you do not have to wait for official meetings, because then things usually go wrong. In a whole year, a meeting (performance appraisal interview) will then be scheduled in 2 hours, while for example just an issue raised the week before. The risk is that the intended goal will not be achieved and that everyone will leave the meeting unhappy.

4. "I have no vision" Every day is on autopilot, I hardly communicate, no successes, no vision. I don't make time for this. Employees just have a strong need to feel involved, to see goals and to help them achieve them in their way and in their strength.

5. "I check everything, I don't trust anyone" Employees cannot be trusted, I check what they do, who they email where they spend their time; they are certainly not allowed to work from home. Every minute is recorded. Leaving earlier is definitely not possible. This gives an uncomfortable feeling. Instead of motivating on results achieved and how they behave in the group, you focus entirely on managing and controlling people. Blind trust is not good, there must be some follow-up and control, but keep it healthy and pleasant. Of course depending on the sector you are in.

6. "I don't have time to keep our agreements" I promise a lot during the meetings, but unfortunately there is always no time to implement it. There is too much on my plate and actually it is not my strength to do some things. Eventually you lose credibility and trust goes away. 7. "I am not communicating enough" I communicate one thing with someone, the other with someone else and I usually bypass the manager in between. Why? No idea, not enough time and I want to get my results quickly. This creates a lot of problems and misunderstandings internally and externally. Golden rules are clear and clear to everyone. Best is to develop a common and clear communication method at a fixed time, via easily adaptable online work sheets ... 8. "I cannot delegate" I cannot let go, I want to do as much as possible myself, then it is well done and I do not lose any extra time explaining it to someone who is not so good at it…. Recognizable? Do you also find it difficult to let go of something? Although you often work among your staff, you are responsible for the performance and survival of your company. That is why you often tend to be busy with too many things at the same time. Delegating is not easy for you. Nevertheless, you expect your employees to be able to work independently, without strict management. After all, you have no time for that supervision. Delegating is more than "relinquishing responsibility for a task" or "having someone else do the dirty work". It is about entrusting someone else with an assignment or task and providing training and guidance. You will then have more time for your core tasks. Your employees also get opportunities to grow in their work. Your company is more flexible and can handle more work. I would like to know if you can still contribute interesting do's and don'ts? Curious about your response.



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